The Gender Book by Mel Reiff Hill and Jay Mays

The Gender Book

Mel Reiff Hill and Jay Mays

2013, Marshall House Press





the gender book


Reading Level: not available


Interest Age: 15+


Annotation: The Gender Book is an easy-to-read illustrated book for those seeking a deeper understanding of gender.


Plot Summary: This short, brightly-illustrated book is a comprehensive look at the diversity of gender. It explains gender issues through infographics, comics, and illustrations. It is easy to read and easy to understand, and serves as a primer for those unfamiliar with gender studies or those who are navigating their own gender identity.


Critical Evaluation: This book should be essential reading for all young people. It explains gender in a way that is so easy to understand. The illustrated style is somewhere between comic, magazine, and infographic, which makes it enjoyable to read even as a lot of information is being conveyed. It never feels like a dry textbook, but you learn the basics of gender studies. I think this book would be really helpful for anyone who is gender noncomforming, nonbinary, or trans, or for anyone who feels stifled by the gender roles in their society.


Author Biographical Information:

Mel Reiff Hill makes pictures (among other things). They have an art degree from Rice University, and do all web design, graphics, and art for the GENDER book Project in between freelance web and graphic design jobs. Mel also works on the book’s content, words, and vision.

Jay Mays received a Bachelor of Arts in creative writing from the University of Houston in 2002 and has stayed engaged as a community organizer. Jay is usually elbow-deep in at least one safe-space-building project or another, including writing and performing, producing community-sponsored radio, educating about healthy sexuality, advocating for access to health care, and creating teams to support LGBTQ community spaces. As co-author and chief editor for the GENDER book, Jay can’t wait to use this new tool with communities everywhere!



Ties to Curriculum Units: Gender studies


Booktalking Ideas:

  • Discuss the diversity of gender and how the book reflects that


Challenge Issues: Gender noncomformity, nonbinary genders

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